Contact details

Hours of keys collection: 07:00 - 23:00

Warning! All information on the website are false. IdoBooking Apartments do not exist - it is a test hotel. Any resemblance of names and persons is accidental.

Owner details

  • Company name:IAI Sp. z.o.o.
  • Street:Al. Piastów 30
  • Address:71-064, Szczecin, Poland

Our locations

IdoBooking DemoAv. de las Islas Canarias 1735340 Costa TeguiseSpain


With online payment you have the possibility to confirm your reservation immediately

By booking on our website you can be sure that there will be a place waiting for you. We also guarantee the lowest price.

You can obtain information about your account number and payment methods specific to your reservation by making a reservation online.

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